Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Valdosta School Supt. Makes History! Keep Children Dumb.....Sept. 8, 2009, Denied President Obama Speech...

September 9, 2009

SUBJECT: Valdosta City School Superintendent (Bill Cason) Makes History---by denying 1st Black African American President In American History from Speaking to Inter City School Students in Valdosta, Georgia on Tuesday, September 8th 2009, at 12:00am

TO: National Television, News papers, Valdosta Daily Times, Valdosta City School Superintendent, Internet, Blog, Editors and beyond

I met with Valdosta City School Superintendent Dr. Bill Cason prior to President Barack Obama address to school students across the nation on Tuesday September 8, 2009. He expressed his reasons for denying children to watch the president’s speech on the necessity of a good education and it made no sense to me.

Nor did his comments quoted in the Valdosta Daily Times saying, “It is not that we were denying the children at all, we just chose the second alternative.”

Our superintendent failure to consult with parents of children in the city school system along with teachers where Black students are in the majority prior denying students to watch the presidents live broadcast to American Students is unacceptable. His decision reminded me of the old Valdosta City Charter of 1860 that was designed to keep certain Valdosta-Lowndes county Georgia Citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times.

It was just five years ago in 2004 when this 1860 charter was removed from the wall on the second floor of Valdosta City Hall leading into the Valdosta Municipal Court Room. It was here where citizens came expecting to receive equal justice under the law, and it now seems that our superintendent followed the dictates of this outdated 1860 Charter by banning the president address to city school children. At least the Lowndes County Superintendent of Schools deviated in some degree from this document and allowed some students to learn.


After retiring from the United States Armed Forces I was literally shocked to see our mayor and council members conducting the people business with these despicable words displayed on the wall in 2004. Therefore I demanded that it be removed and reluctantly it was removed but not without vigorous debate from several members on the council.

This only fuels that debate that some citizens along with their children are not as important as others in Valdosta-Lowndes County. Perhaps this was best described by the words of Valdosta City Councilman Robert Yost of the 6th district who was quoted in the Valdosta Daily Times as saying, “Is Councilman Robert Yost saying that it's OK to kill a person who shoots and wounds a police officer because of cost incurred at a hospital?” Wow, what a thought process at a council meeting, “

Although the Old Valdosta 1860 Charter was removed physically Dr. Cason seem to have made his point that a continual system exists to control, suppress, and abate all nuisances that could arrive from educating our children to do and take on individual responsibility for their own future in the Valdosta City School System.

Moreover it seems that our local governmental bodies, television, newspaper, radio, religious institutions and others are contributing to the longevity of the 1860 mentality in 2009. As a result this mean spirited mentality is not only directed towards free persons of color but to all who live and visit our beloved community. While keeping them all deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on facts.

Yet Black African American Citizens have endured much abuse, suffering and mistreatment in America. However Blacks never stooped down so low as to spread hate filled speeches, criticism, condemnation, and outright hatred towards the other 43 White Male Presidents. Not even during slavery, Jim Crow, or segregation did Blacks disrespect the other 43 White Presidents at home or abroad as is now being done to our 44th President of the United States of America, his wife, and children.

Simply put the Valdosta Charter Mentality of 1860 has been very effective in the controlling process, and on May 5, 2005 an elected official made comments during the council meeting that resulted in fifteen law-abiding citizens being arrested, because they address their elected officials concerning placing an item on the agenda to rename Barber Park. This public park was located in a community that is 89 percent Black. But as it is often the case this arrest and the circumstances surrounding their arrest and incarceration is perhaps the best-kept hush, hush secret in our community. Thanks to our local television, newspaper, and radio controlling, and suppress machines that keep the general public ignorant.

Therefore we must not permit Dr. Cason to control and suppress information designed to inform and educate our children. He has NOW set a disgraceful white cloud, and dangerous precedence so no other American President, military recruiter, Politician, Celebrity, visitor, mark election for students, law enforcement officers, city mayor, Councilmen, county commissioner, fire chief etc., should be able to come into the Valdosta City School System and address our children-----without first getting approval from certain parents or a law suit should be immediately filed against the Valdosta City School System based on the decision of our superintendent.

It was Dr. Cason that said concerning the presidents address. “It does not align to Georgia state standards, and therefore would not meet the district’s instructional goals, nor would it help students achieve or exceed personal and educational goals, use every instructional minute we have to bring these kids up to par, especially in language arts and math....and following the Georgia Performance Standards.”

Therefore Dr. Cason should consider resigning or retiring so he can better serve our students and community so all children can reach their highest potential. This will better empowered them to face the future with confidence instead of being deaf, dumb, and blind as a result of political arm-twisting by the few over the many.

This control and suppress method can only lead to indoctrination and later incarceration instead of being properly educated by a Harvard Graduate. God bless Valdosta, Lowndes County, the State of Georgia and our beloved republic.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

Sunday, September 06, 2009

“White Affirmative Action Program & Set Asides. Blacks needed NOT apply” See Why?

“White Affirmative Action Program & Set Asides. Blacks needed NOT apply” See Why?


2. Please understand that; Affirmative Action, Special Treatment, and Set Asides for “WHITES ONLY” went UNQUESTIONED here in America. Just look at the following jobs that were all set-asides and preferential treatment for Whites only, and their children. Blacks needed not apply and this practice existed for centuries without questions. Therefore the Archival History here in America and around the world will show; that “Affirmative Action is as American as Mom’s Apple or Daddy’s Apply Pie, and there is no defense to this TRUTH. Amen!

3. Review the HISTORICAL RECORD the world over and witness; that all the Soaps, and other TELEVISION Programs were (ALL) under a Strict Affirmative Action Program and Set Asides; For Whites Only! The Edge of Night, Days of Our Lives, Secret Storm, Love of Life, Adams Family, Andy Griffin Show, Avengers, Batman and Robin, Bewitched, Bat Masterson, Beverly Hillbillies, Bonanza, Car Fifty-Four Where Are You, Dick Van Dyke Show, Dick Tracy, Flipper, I love Lucy, I dream of Jennie, Gilligan’s Island, Green Acers, Have Gun Will Travel, Gun Smoke, High Chaparral, Hop Along Cassidy, Johnny Rengo, Lassie, Leave It To Beaver, Mary Tyler Moore, My Three Sons, Long Ranger, Man From Uncle, Monsters, Peter Gun, Petticoat Junction, Pop Eye, The Wild, Wild West, Raw Hide, Shot Gun slave, Stage Coach West, Superman, Wonder Woman, All Television News Anchors, The Rifleman, The Jet sons, The Under Dog Show, Mighty Mouse, The Brady Bunch, The Tall Man (With Billy the Kid and Pat Garret), The Bounty Hunter, The Flintstones, The Rebel, Maverick, Two Face West, The Third Man, Invaders, Make Room for Daddy, Mr. Ed, Peyton Place, Robin Hood, Route 66, Gene Autry, Death Valley Days, Judge Roy Bean, Tombstone Territory, Texan, Outlaws, Stagecoach West, Frontier Circus, Man Called Shenandoah, Laredo, Lancer, Here Come the Bribes, Virginian, Wagon Train, Wanted Dead or Alive, Wells Fargo, Wild Bill Hitchcock, Zorro, and many, many more were used to elevate the White Privilege.

4. In addition to the above. All local, state, federal, international law enforcement jobs, and all other jobs went to White Affirmative Action Recipients. Blacks were not allowed...Yes, these jobs were reserved for "WHITES ONLY," along with bathrooms facilities, public eating establishments, 1st to be waited on at retail stores, best public and private schools tax dollars could produce, everything that was good, respectable, holy, and related to Jesus Christ, God and the hereafter, were all set-asides for Whites, their children, and their way of life. While Blacks were denied these jobs, and other comforts of life. Blacks were NOT even permitted to serve in the United States Armed Forces. They were labeled three-fifths of a human being, lynched, murdered outright and nothing was done about these deaths. All because of the blackness of their skin and kin.

5. Even the Holy Bible was set-asides for White people along with their White Pictures. Not a single Black person was included in God HOLY BOOK. Even though Genesis says that the Garden of Eden was located in AFRICA (Genesis 2;13). A Black person could be ten times smarter and more qualified than a white person. But within the eyes of the White Male Power Structure; God made Blacks of a darker color. They were never considered for the Exclusive White Affirmative Action Program and Set Asides. Moreover there were millions of supreme jobs across America. But were all set-asides for Whites, their children, and certain other four-legged beasts of the field. While the so-called BLACK AFRICAN AMERICAN NEGRO were not even considered for these casts and positions in the "Land of The Free and the Home of The Brave."

6. For centuries Whites generated revenue from these Affirmative Action Jobs and set-asides. While the blackness of the NEGRO skin made them 100% unqualified to hold these positions---as if God made a major mistake. However, Whites used these generated funds; to build better White Public Schools, send their White Children to Technical Schools, Colleges, and Universities, buy more farm land, expand and increase international trade across the waters with foreign nations; control the political affairs of the nation, create their own business etc. While Blacks were discriminated against and White Christians for the most part; did not say a word. While this, All White Affirmative Action Program, and Set-Asides--was the order of the day. Beyond all doubt; this was extremely “BIG GOVERNMENT” but where were the “Tea Partiers?”

7. Yes! God knows that; Affirmative Action and set-asides is as American as apple pie. It was only when the thought; of treating Blacks equal to Whites; has Affirmative Action become a problem for certain members of our Republic; on the low side of God’s Theology. While many of them clam to be Christians, but do they want Blacks to have what WHITE PEOPLE received for themselves----UNDER their excessive, Ancestral White Affirmative Action Program and Asides.
IN CONCLUSION: All Americans with the heart beat of real Christian Love of JESUS CHRIST, and all others who traveled that great line of “HOLY DIVINE” must over stand that truth, justice and equality will (eventually) win in the end, or God-----will NOT open his HOLY DOORS to any of his created beings in the HEREAFTER. For the Sub Total of Galatians 6:7 must be made a reality in America before the end of time.
As it is written, so shall it be done…. Then there is the case of our 44th President of the United States; that was elected by the people; like most of the other 43 all White Male Presidents. However President Barack H. Obama is; unlike many of the other 43 All White Male Presidents; that denied Black African Americans their rights under the Constitution of the United States without apology. So rest assured White America; that; President Obama will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ever do unto “WHITE PEOPLE” what the White Race has done unto some other Americans! Therefore America’s “New Patriots and Christians of today; must understand; that we are not who we claim to be; but who we prove ourselves to be over a given period of time. God Bless America, and all other nations of the world. Galatians 6:7.

A concerned citizen and brother of humanity,
Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran (Vietnam Era)
Copyright January 2001, by: George Boston Rhynes

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Keep E'm Dumb, Valdosta 1860 Valdosta City Charter Mentality in the PRESS! Local News Media.....

September 1, 2009

TO: Fellow Citizens of Valdosta, Lowndes County, and Local News Media Outlets and Beyond

The Valdosta Daily Times Reporter Johnna Pinholster did a great job in covering the Public Transportation Issue being stalled….and the millage rate during the Valdosta City Council Meeting on August 31, 2009 at 5:30 pm (Monday)

However the following comments during citizens to be heard portion of the meeting was omitted by our local television and newspaper. Once again, this left citizens deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decisions based on information from this public meeting in the State of Georgia.

Moreover I am sure that OUR elected officials are in an outrage because of this omission. But let us first look at the old Valdosta City Charter that was removed from the Walls of Valdosta City Hall in early 2004. Mainly because I requested that it be removed because it was insulting to all people of good will and so it was removed but not WITHOUT protest by many of our elected officials.

In fact, on May 5, 2005 I was among the fifteen citizens that were arrested for addressing their elected officials on the renaming of Barber Park during a council meeting. I for one was moved from my seat by words from Mayor John Fretti that referred to “Stray animals” or something along the content of what I remembered being in the Old Valdosta City Charter of 1860:


So, has the 1860 charter mentality become the keystone NOW being applied to all CITIZENS? How Sad? We have a listing of many newsworthy events that have been ignored by our local media. (Available upon request)

Therefore, please e-mail the following information, and give it out to your family members, friends, neighbor, enemies, churches, community organizations, and others who want to know what is going on in their community. So STOP looking for change, and become the change we need or our community will forever remain the same----in a state of shame in the 21st Century. We can, we must, and we will do better----because there is a pendulum always swinging towards the plumb line of justice.

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity


Mr. Mayor John Fretti and Valdosta City Councilmen (Respectively). I have several concerns today:

a. The two Community forums on crime and domestic violence.
b. The Little White House (City School Superintendent Office)
C. Removing debris from streets following a traffic accident.
d. Alleged threats at public Meetings.


I attended the two community gatherings on addressing crime and domestic violence in our beloved community. I commend the city for their efforts. However of the people on the panel are seen as part of the problem. And people omitted from the panel that should have been on the panel were not on the panel.

a. One-question citizens asked outside of the meeting were. Why was there NOT a single Black African American Pastors on the panel? Why no civil or human rights person who is called when citizens have problems in the community?

3. THE LITTLE WHITE HOUSE: I was told that teachers refer to the City School Board of Education Office as the “Little White House.” This is because of the low number of Black Employees working in our surrounding the facility. I have made an open records request to the Superintendent so the people of Valdosta can be better informed on issues that effects crime and lost of employment in certain segments of our community.

4. REMOVING DEBRIS FOLLOWING A TRAFFIC ACCIDENT: Yesterday I witnessed an accident and the police officer was writing up the report. I drove through the area about fifteen minutes later. I had to pull into the parking lot on the corner of East Hill and Fry Street to go around the debris. I parked in Johns Body Shop Parking lot to get around the glass, screws, and larger chucks of debris.

a. I turned around and asked the City Police Officer if he was going to call somebody to clean up the debris. He said he would call the Fire Department. But I was later looked upon as a person causing a problem and possibly interfering with the duties of a police officer.

5. My questions to you Mr. Mayor and Council concerning the incident:

 Is it lawful for the police to leave dangerous debris in the roadway following a motor vehicle traffic accident until all facets of the police report is written up?

 Should not cones or some other device been place around the hazard until the roadway was made safe for motorists?

 Is it safe for a CITIZEN to get a broom, dustpan, or bucket, and ENTER into traffic and remove glass, and other foreign objects following a traffic stop in Valdosta?

 Is it interfering with the duties of a police officer to ask him to call someone to restore the roadway to a safe condition? (Yes I do intend to file a complaint with the Valdosta City Police Department concerning the matter)

6. ALLEGED THREATS AT PUBLIC MEETINGS: Comments have been made at public meetings such as:

a. A funeral vs. human life and which is cheaper for the City of Valdosta?

b. Comments were made about a certain group of citizens about if, when, or if they should even have children at all ---along with other comments that would never be said about others at a public meeting.

c. Then on June 11, 2009, local citizens stated before this council that he carried a gun is his hip pocket and he did not have a permit. He said that an individual had approached him four months earlier and if he had had his gun. That man would have been going to heaven---but no one said anything about his comments with local law enforcement in the house. Someone should have directed him to obtain a permit or if this practice were permissible under the law.

d. Moreover, the beef of this CITIZENS COMMENTS during ‘CITIZENS TO BE HEARD” were left out of the Minutes, without Valdosta Television, Newspaper, and Radio stations informing the general public. Therefore once again, local citizens are left deaf, dumb, and blind to the times and unable to make intelligent decision based on facts---from a Public Meeting in the State of Georgia. This is more proof that my question to the council concerning television coverage should have been ANSWERED and that citizens have a right to know!

e. I hope that someone in the 21st Century will see a need to identify each Valdosta City Council Member with the number next to his or her individual nameplate. This will show the District they represent as many other much smaller towns are NOW doing in South Georgia.

7. The above was given to the Valdosta City Council and hand delivered to the Valdosta Daily Times. It has now been published on my blog so citizens can be properly informed on public meetings in the State of Georgia. I also informed the mayor and council that some of my questions put before them had not been answered but that I posted them on the internet because that was what I do…..

Retired United States Armed Forces Veteran (Vietnam Era)
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity